Monday 23 June 2014

Amy Winehouse plus Nick Cave equals…?

...Kai, the cottage loaf headed dead assassin of the 90s sci fi weirdathon “Lexx”.

Played by Canadian actor Michael McManus, this pale skinned proto -blood needing member of something called “The Brunnen G” was merely one of a cast of oddities populating the living ship Lexx, the others being a platinum haired sex-slave lizard hybrid called Zev Bellringer, the accidental captain Stanley Tweedle, who always wanted to get it on with Zev but was more likely to end up being hung upside down by bondage loving cannibals; and a weird disembodied robot head 790, also much in love with Zev and occasionally inclined to babble poetry to that effect.

Michael McManus as Kai

It used to be on “Sy-Fy” a lot. I used to see it occasionally. I understood it never.

I can’t remember any plot at any point. I can’t remember any guest stars apart from the compulsory appearance in crap of the latter-day Malcolm McDowell. I can’t remember why the original Zev - Eva Habermann - turned into the ferociously be-lipped Xenia Seeberg.  Above all I can’t remember why a series set in a largely CGI universe suddenly found itself in what looked like a Toronto car park.

Eva Habermann as Zev. "If you do this, I will do it with you Stanley." She never did.
 I am not bothered that I can’t remember. I just liked the undemanding madness and imagination of it, which was the best way of coping with the fact it was impossible to follow even if you were a Cray 2 supercomputer on brain pills. You just loved Eva Habermann and Xenia Seeberg even though you had no idea what they were doing. You loved Kai singing the crazed Brunnen G anthem as he crashed his spaceship into whatever he was sacrificing himself to defeat.
And poor Stanely, his creepy sexual failures always brought out a chuckle, as Lexx the big space dragonfly flew ever on. 
Xenia Seeberg as Xev. There's a reason for the "X"
  Copyright Bloody Mulberry 23.06.14

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